Wednesday, February 4, 2009

it's 2009 and I haven't been very good and keeping my blog updated. I was bored tonight and started looking through some old disc and found the following pictures that I thought you all would enjoy. They made me laugh and cry, they made me remember the good times and the hard times, they made me remember that family is and will always be there. I miss the people in these pictures. As I grow older I have found how important family is and how fast our time goes with them. I want my daughter to know her grandparents and have them be a big part of her life, for as long as they can. If I could find the secret to a long life I would give it to everyone I love. I was once told the the secret to life is to live it. Cherish each day as if it was your last. House work can wait, the trip to the store can be put off. Take time to talk and listen, to love and laugh, and just enjoy every minute you have. LOVE YOU ALL!!!


paigernate said...

THAT TOTALLY made my day Lori! i absolutely loved the slideshow... is there a link i can get to it!? thank you SO SO much for posting- i appreciate it more than i could ever tell you!love ya